What the heck is Permaculture?Permaculture is a simple, yet complex system of ecological design principles and practices. It uses many tools, techniques, and ideals to create the most efficient ecosystem possible, utilizing all of our resources to our advantage.Permaculture works with the patterns, cycles and features of Mother Nature to create a sustainable system. Permaculture is a way of life, and can be integrated into out social structure and spiritual path to cultivate wholeness on all levels.
"Permaculture is a philosophy of working with, rathar than against Nature; of protracted and thoughtful observation, rather than protracted and thoughtless labor; and of looking at plants and animals in all of their functions, rather than treating any area as a single product system." -Bill Mollison Why Permaculture?!Let's face it, the world right now is a mess. humans, as a whole, are greatly out of balance with Nature. If we really want to continue living on this beautiful planet, we must make a change; environmentally, socially, ecologically, etc. Permaculture is the long-term solution to all of our problems. Though it is not the easy way, soon it will be the only way! By choosing to practice permaculture, we are choosing to value all of Earth's precious resources and we are choosing to be in balance with the natural laws.
How do I get Involved?he best way to become a permaculturist is to find a local farm, community or organization who practices permaculture and reach out. Visiting a well-established farm can give you plenty of ideas and inspirations on projects and the embodiment of this science. I recommend doing a Oermaculture Design Course or a workshop to get your foot in the door. I offer a few references here. Ypu can also continue to read the pages of permanism.com. I am also available for personal consulting, for inquiries, please email me at [email protected]