What is Meditation?! Many people have heard the term, and there are common misconceptions about it. Meditation is not only for buddhists, you don´t have to be religious or spiritual to do it, and the goal is not to become mindless. The goal is actually to become mindFULL, and to learn to master the mind and use it as the powerful tool that it is. The mind is a tool for manifestation, and it creates the reality that we perceive. By being aware of this and consciously projecting it, we can have better control on what we are creating. There are many different Styles of meditation, along with many different techniques. Each have different effects, and can be used in different situations with different goals. Below, I explain a few powerful ones that have made a HUGE impact on my life. Many have videos that will guide you though it. Enjoy!!!
List of Tools And Techniques:
For more powerful meditation techniques, or guided videos on any that are listed, Sign up for my newsletter and you will receive a free video!! EMAIL ME AT [email protected] TO RECEIVE MORE VIDEOS AND TECHNIQUES!! ENJOY
Basic Meditation:
This is the simplest form of meditation and can be the easiest place to start if you are new to meditation. You can start small with a couple minutes, and eventually increase the time. I HIGHLY recommend making this a daily habit, even if for 5 minutes a day, you will literally begin to feel and witness your life shifting all around you. Don't judge the experience at all. Some meditations can be really powerful, and others can be not so effective. Stick to it and you will feel the changes! PRACTICE: Find a comfortable seated position and let the 3es gently rest closed. let yourself become relaxed. Begin to notice then breath without changing it for a few moments. Then allow the breath to be deep, full and complete, deepening each inhale and each exhale mindfully. If thoughts arise, don't judge them, simply let them be as you continue long deep breaths. Notice the sounds around you and become aware of the present moment. Focus the mind by observing the breath. Thoughts may come and thats okay, let your thoughts become sharp, let them become refined and allow them to reveal deeper messages to you.
Grounding Meditation:
This vizualization can be used to feel more connected to a space in which you are. Great for getting bearings straight, becoming fully present in a new place, calming, and balancing. its a very basic meditation that can done anywhere. PRACTICE: Find a comfortable seat with the eyes. closed. Direct context with Nature such as a rock, grass or dirt works best. Begin to calm the mind with some deep breathing. visualize roots extending out the base of the spine into the earth, anchoring you into the ground. Feel these roots extending through the soil and deepening your connecting to the Earth. Feel your self receiving nutrients from the soil and feel yourself becoming more grounded centered and aware. Feel your connection to the space around you, and feel yourself fully dropping into the Here and Now. Stay here for as long as desired.
Manifestation Meditation
This meditation uses the power of visualization and the Law of Attraction. Thoughts become things, and by consciously directing the thoughts, we project them toward a certain level of manifestation. This can be the first step in manifesting what it is that you truly want. PRACTICE: Find a comfortable seat and close the eyes. Allow your self to become calm and relaxed by deepening the breath. Bring full awareness o the breath for a moment until you begin to become relaxed. After a couple moments, start to focus the mind on what it is you want. (Can be a physical item, i knew job, a relationship or anything.) Visualize this in the minds eye and bring your entire awareness to it. Smell it, hear it, taste it, feel it. Become immersed in this thing, and let it become you. Focus on the necessary actions needed to be taken in order for it to happen. Imagine this as if it has already happened, and you are reflecting on something of the past. View it as a memory, rather than a desire. Do this for as long as desired!
Candle Gazing:
This is a simple meditation is great form of contemplation. It can lead to insights, messages, guidance, clarity, and basically anything you want it to. It can be a really great one to use in hightened states of awareness such as a canabis high. PRACTICE: find a room, or a place in Nature that is completely dark, light a candle with a descent sized flame. Gaze into the flame of the candle and notice how it dances. Focus either on the very tip top of the flame, or the direct center. Its fun to play music and watch it move to the groove. You can ask questions to observe the patterns, or even practice moving it with your mind!
Higher-Self Meditation:
This technique can be used for Self empowerment, Self love, motivation, etc. It is used to commune with your higher Self and to see yourself for who you truly are. I really love doing this one directly after Pulse Meditation without opening my eyes in between....... PRACTICE: Find a comfortable seat and close t he eyes. Take a few moments (if not already there) to calm the mind and to ease into the breath. Once you feel relaxed, begin to visualize your entire spirit leaving your body and sitting right in front of you. This being looks just like you, with an extra vibrant glow. You are now face to face with your higher Self. See yourself for who you truly are, behind all the masks that the ego creates.. Behind the illusion of what society wishes you to be. See your Self for who you TRULY are, in all of your authenticity, all of your beauty and all of your magnificence. Love your Self be your Self. From here the possibilities are endless, you can ask a question, receive a message, express gratitude, anything! Remain here as long as desired and when you've finished, visualise you merging with your Self as your spirit returns to your body.
Inner Listening Meditation
This technique is used to build clairaudience, the ability to hear higher frequencies. Helps build perception and increase listening. Fine tuning the ears to be used to their highest capacity. Receptivity and hearing the inner voice will largely benefit from continued use. When both ears are plugged, focus on listening to the sound within. With one ear plugged, focus on the balance of the inner and outer sounds. With both ears opens fully experience the depths of all sound.
PRACTICE: Find a comfortable seat with eyes closed. Begin with 12 breaths plugging both ears tightly so that no outside sound can be heard. Unplug left ear so that only right ear is plugges, 12 breaths. Switch ears, left ear plugged, 12 breaths. Plug both ears again as tightly as you can 24 breaths. Open both ears 20 breaths. Ratio= Both3:Right3:Left3:Both6:None5 change time or breath count depending on experience always using this ratio.
PRACTICE: Find a comfortable seat with eyes closed. Begin with 12 breaths plugging both ears tightly so that no outside sound can be heard. Unplug left ear so that only right ear is plugges, 12 breaths. Switch ears, left ear plugged, 12 breaths. Plug both ears again as tightly as you can 24 breaths. Open both ears 20 breaths. Ratio= Both3:Right3:Left3:Both6:None5 change time or breath count depending on experience always using this ratio.
Pulse Meditation:
This exercise helps brong awareness to the heart. It opens up for deeper feeling, heart healing, and blood flow. It increases psychic awareness and ability. It increases clairsentience, the ability to feel on a deeper level. Very powerful technique, my personal favorite. PRACTICE: Find a comfortable seat upright. close the eyes and breathe. bring the peace fingers (index and middle) of the right hand out, and the rest closed. with the right peace fingers, find a point on either the wrist or neck that you can feel your heart beat consistently, as if you were checking your pulse. Focis all of your attention on the heartbeat, the sensation in the fingers. Feel how the heart moves blood throughout the entire body. Feel the prana flowing through you in the same way. Now begin to program the heart with an intention, feel it moving through your entire being. Notice whatever is on the heart moves through the entire being. Feel the heartbeat as it sends a signal to the Universe and communicates with the outside world. Now, slowly remove the fingertips from wrist or neck, and feel as if they were still there. continue to tune into ypur energy flow. Remain here as long as desired.