About Jahendo:
Who I am & What I'm About:
I am an infinite being of Divine Light sent here to radiate that light outward so as to facilitate the transformation and co-creation of New Earth. I am a yoga teacher, a new age shaman, and a professional permaculturist. I specialize in group harmonization, individual growth, service to others, energy cultivation and community building. I work with people on a group or individual level to help growth and evolution. I work with a number of communities to increase sustainability on-site and increase overall effectiveness. I am fully committed to helping others actualize their power and fulfill their destiny!
I teach a number of international retreats each year, facilitate workshops at conscious gatherings, offer a variety of online sessions, and am a master of grounding the metaphysical and bringing practicality to the spiritual path. I am available for personal consulting and group work. Credentials:
About PSY: |
PSY, Permaculture Shamanism Yoga is a revolutionary way of being! Created to inspire others to gain complete control over their life and to help YOU to create the life of your dreams. Dedicated to helping you step into your power, claim your value, live your purpose, and express your Truth. Given as a natural and long-lasting alternative to drugs, psychedelics and mind-altering substances. Designed to ground and implement some of your most profound experiences and to access them at any time. Helping YOU to be the best YOU that YOU can BE!! Transending the "getting high" into the BEING HIGH (on love and life!)
PSY Mission: |
To empower other light beings to step into their leadership capabilities and to inspire others to realize and actualize their purpose
My Story
My first time smoking pot was a powerful experience for me. At age 16, this was the first time I realized there was more to the mind then my parents ever told me. This was the beginning of my lifelong journey to learn all about the power of the mind, and set out to master my mind. As time went on, I got into the rave scene, and simultaneuosly, this led to experimenting with lots of drugs like cocaine and ecstacy. I loved the thrill, and the artificial feeling of happiness it brought me. What I loved most, was the feeling of CONNECTION! Everyone dancing together, feeling our oneness. Here I discovered the power of collective energy and saw the potential of group dynamics. This brought about a serious depression, and eventually I gave up. I wanted something more meaningful, something that was sustainable, and wouldn't leave me depleted the next day. I discovered the power pf psychedelics, and how they were specially different than many other designer drugs. I learned something from every experience, I never wanted more, and they showed me what is truly possible when I consciously create my reality. This led me to looking into the occult, and buddhism. I discovered meditation and found it's profound effects on my psyche.
I began a daily practice of meditation and watched it as it completely shifted my entire reality. I started feeling my connection to Nature, and began my process of awakening. In 2013, I got sick of the mundane life I was living, packed my bags and drove to the midwest to live in the wilderness. It was here, through a series of very synchronistic events, I was led to my first intentional community in Michigan, a Yogananda ashram, and began practicing yoga everyday, living in exchange for my work as a volunteer.Here I discovered my passion for yoga, and loved how it incorporated the physical body into my meditation practice. Eventually I moved on to the Omega Institute in New York state, where I began to explore other forms of spirituality. This is where I discovered shamanism, sweat lodge and the power of group ceremony and prayer. I continued to dive deep into this mystical path, participating in everything I could, and eventually started to lead lunar ceremonies.
Then I moved out west to Colorado, where I volunteered at a permaculture farm and completed my PDC. I loved how permaculture took a very practical approach to the life path. I also loved that it was so hands-on and very tangible. Here I discovered the 3rd of my 3 passions: Permaculture Shamanism and Yoga. I traveled to Central America and started to teach free yoga classes, lead ceremonies, read tarot professionally, and practice permaculture all by volunteering at farms and communities. I eventually went on to Guatemala and became a 200hr registered yoga teacher, in exchange for being the manager at the Mystical Yoga Farm. Here I was able to teach my 3 passions in life, and eventually led my first 5-day PSY retreat and taught at conscious gatherings.
Here I am today, an ambassador and pioneer in the ascension movement across the planet. I specialize in showing people the true depths of their power, and encouraging them to full step into it. Having been a drug addict and clean for 3 years, I love to show people more sustainable and natural ways of reaching psychedelic states, and becoming the master of one's own reality! I love harmonizing groups, and cultivating collective energy!
I have lived so long offering my amazing gifts for free, trade or donation. I just recently realized that this is no longer sustainable, and am now claiming the value of my gifts and my offering. As I continue to offer many things online and in person for free, I now also have a wide variety of valuable talents, that I exchange for money. I am in the process of manifesting money to now build my legacy and eventually create my own sustainable healing center. Thank you for listening. Namaste!
I began a daily practice of meditation and watched it as it completely shifted my entire reality. I started feeling my connection to Nature, and began my process of awakening. In 2013, I got sick of the mundane life I was living, packed my bags and drove to the midwest to live in the wilderness. It was here, through a series of very synchronistic events, I was led to my first intentional community in Michigan, a Yogananda ashram, and began practicing yoga everyday, living in exchange for my work as a volunteer.Here I discovered my passion for yoga, and loved how it incorporated the physical body into my meditation practice. Eventually I moved on to the Omega Institute in New York state, where I began to explore other forms of spirituality. This is where I discovered shamanism, sweat lodge and the power of group ceremony and prayer. I continued to dive deep into this mystical path, participating in everything I could, and eventually started to lead lunar ceremonies.
Then I moved out west to Colorado, where I volunteered at a permaculture farm and completed my PDC. I loved how permaculture took a very practical approach to the life path. I also loved that it was so hands-on and very tangible. Here I discovered the 3rd of my 3 passions: Permaculture Shamanism and Yoga. I traveled to Central America and started to teach free yoga classes, lead ceremonies, read tarot professionally, and practice permaculture all by volunteering at farms and communities. I eventually went on to Guatemala and became a 200hr registered yoga teacher, in exchange for being the manager at the Mystical Yoga Farm. Here I was able to teach my 3 passions in life, and eventually led my first 5-day PSY retreat and taught at conscious gatherings.
Here I am today, an ambassador and pioneer in the ascension movement across the planet. I specialize in showing people the true depths of their power, and encouraging them to full step into it. Having been a drug addict and clean for 3 years, I love to show people more sustainable and natural ways of reaching psychedelic states, and becoming the master of one's own reality! I love harmonizing groups, and cultivating collective energy!
I have lived so long offering my amazing gifts for free, trade or donation. I just recently realized that this is no longer sustainable, and am now claiming the value of my gifts and my offering. As I continue to offer many things online and in person for free, I now also have a wide variety of valuable talents, that I exchange for money. I am in the process of manifesting money to now build my legacy and eventually create my own sustainable healing center. Thank you for listening. Namaste!