A ceremony is one or more people coming together in the same space at the same time performing acts or saying prayers, all with a common intention. A ceremony can be as general or specific as desired, and will always reflect the energy of the group at that time. There are many forms of ceremony; some can be very strict with set guidelines and format, while others can be loose and open to the flow; and they will ALWAYS be exactly what is needed. Ceremony is a way of honoring Spirit, Nature, and whatever other energies you wish to work with. Common ceremonies include fire ceremony, New/Full Moon ceremony, cacao ceremony, manifestation, release, spliff ceremony, etc. all of which will be described below.
Rituals are very similar to ceremony, and are often used interchangeably. Rituals are activities or sequences of events that are practiced regularly. They can be daily, weekly, monthly or whenever is in the flow. Anything can become ritual, and we can easily transform routine into ritual. Everyone has morning rituals, things we do before starting our day such as brushing teeth, breathing, yoga, or drinking coffee. It is important to establish morning rituals, that are in alignment for you, to help you move through your day from a centered and ready space.
Rituals are very similar to ceremony, and are often used interchangeably. Rituals are activities or sequences of events that are practiced regularly. They can be daily, weekly, monthly or whenever is in the flow. Anything can become ritual, and we can easily transform routine into ritual. Everyone has morning rituals, things we do before starting our day such as brushing teeth, breathing, yoga, or drinking coffee. It is important to establish morning rituals, that are in alignment for you, to help you move through your day from a centered and ready space.
Fire Ceremony
A fire ceremony is a type of ceremony that involves using a sacred fire as the central point of focus and grounding to assist in whatever the desired intention. Fire is a piece of the Sun brought down to the Earth. Soby honoring the fire, we honor Father Sun and Mother Earth, all of the elements, all of Nature's forces, our allies, and all of our relations.
When having a fire ceremony,it is very important to create a safe and sacred space, that will not be disturbed by any outside forces.You will want to have a fire pit dug into the ground, with a circle of stones around it for protection, safety, and containment of the energy of the fire. The rock beings are our allies and work with the flames of transformation to guide us. It is also a good idea to have a designated fire, someone who can tend to the fire when needed.
Before opening, you may want to go to the space early to start the fire and set the space before opening the ceremony for others to join. To open the ceremony, it is good to say a prayer to invite in the energies. It's also ideal to call in the directions, which is explained thoroughly in the "Medicine Wheel" tab. Then the portal is opened, and you can continue with whatever format you choose.
You can sing a song, or do some group chanting to get everyone vibing on the same wavelength. I like to open with a medicine song or OM, depending on the energy. Then it is good to get everyone involved by opening the space for sharing. You can invite people to say prayers, make offerings, or share about a specific subject, and sometimes it's good to pass around a talking stick, so everyone gets the chance to be heard. You can lead or share anything else, any activities, movements or exercises that you see fit for the ceremony. Be creative, and allow yourself to be a channel. At the end, it is good to close the ceremony and release the energies in a similar way to the way they were opened.
When having a fire ceremony,it is very important to create a safe and sacred space, that will not be disturbed by any outside forces.You will want to have a fire pit dug into the ground, with a circle of stones around it for protection, safety, and containment of the energy of the fire. The rock beings are our allies and work with the flames of transformation to guide us. It is also a good idea to have a designated fire, someone who can tend to the fire when needed.
Before opening, you may want to go to the space early to start the fire and set the space before opening the ceremony for others to join. To open the ceremony, it is good to say a prayer to invite in the energies. It's also ideal to call in the directions, which is explained thoroughly in the "Medicine Wheel" tab. Then the portal is opened, and you can continue with whatever format you choose.
You can sing a song, or do some group chanting to get everyone vibing on the same wavelength. I like to open with a medicine song or OM, depending on the energy. Then it is good to get everyone involved by opening the space for sharing. You can invite people to say prayers, make offerings, or share about a specific subject, and sometimes it's good to pass around a talking stick, so everyone gets the chance to be heard. You can lead or share anything else, any activities, movements or exercises that you see fit for the ceremony. Be creative, and allow yourself to be a channel. At the end, it is good to close the ceremony and release the energies in a similar way to the way they were opened.
New Moon Ceremony
As we know, the cycles of the Moon are extremely significant and very powerful. The moon controls the tides, affects gravity, affects plants & animals, our emotions, and our subconscious. By tuning into into these cycles, we attune to Nature's rhythms of circular time, and open up to using the moon as our ally.
New Moon is a powerful time for setting intentions! New Moon, aka Dark Moon, is a night when the Moon goes unseen in the sky. This is because on New Moon, the Moon rises and sets at the same time as the Sun, causing it to be invisible. This means that our subconscious (lunar) aspects are in alignment with our conscious (solar) aspects. This gives our intentions an incredible amount of power, and we begin to see them wax and wane with the ever-changing Moon. A New Moon ceremony can be anything you want it to be, and can be as silly or as serious as needed.
Find a safe, sacred space where you and the group will not be disturbed. You can do during fire ceremony, or having a central altar with a candle works great too. Start by opening the space. Once the space is opened, you can give an intro, speak of the Moon, or say a prayer. Then there will be 3 rounds of talking stick, with everyone given the opportunity to speak each round. The first round is Gratitude, what are we thankful for? The second round is release, what no longer serves you that you wish to wash away? The third round is intention, this is your opportunity to state, with conviction, what it is you are manifesting and cultivating. After the last round, do a short 5 min meditation to give everyone time to focus and reflect on their intentions. Then close the space.
New Moon is a powerful time for setting intentions! New Moon, aka Dark Moon, is a night when the Moon goes unseen in the sky. This is because on New Moon, the Moon rises and sets at the same time as the Sun, causing it to be invisible. This means that our subconscious (lunar) aspects are in alignment with our conscious (solar) aspects. This gives our intentions an incredible amount of power, and we begin to see them wax and wane with the ever-changing Moon. A New Moon ceremony can be anything you want it to be, and can be as silly or as serious as needed.
Find a safe, sacred space where you and the group will not be disturbed. You can do during fire ceremony, or having a central altar with a candle works great too. Start by opening the space. Once the space is opened, you can give an intro, speak of the Moon, or say a prayer. Then there will be 3 rounds of talking stick, with everyone given the opportunity to speak each round. The first round is Gratitude, what are we thankful for? The second round is release, what no longer serves you that you wish to wash away? The third round is intention, this is your opportunity to state, with conviction, what it is you are manifesting and cultivating. After the last round, do a short 5 min meditation to give everyone time to focus and reflect on their intentions. Then close the space.
Full Moon Ceremony
The Full Moon is the most powerful night of the cycle!! The moon is fully illuminated and the darkness of the night is actually really bright. The moon is out the entire night, making it the most auspicious night, and the best night for magick and ceremony. It is so important to have ceremony, of any kind to honor this special night. The Moon represents the subconscious, and when this becomes full, insights are revealed messages come to the surface and deep transformation can occur.
There is an infinite way to celebrate this night. It can be simple and short, elaborate long and formal, or done in a large group as more of a celebration. I like to gather people up, start with a structured and formal ceremony that lasts about an hour, then leave it open for people to hang out, dance, sing and have a good time. The formal part of the ceremony will call in the energies, open up a powerful portal, and really set a sacred tone for the rest of the night and encourage deeper heart shares.
Find a safe, sacred space where you will not be disturbed. It is ideal to be outside, where you can be in the light of the moon. Start by making the sacred space by making an energetic circle. Use a crystal at the 4 corners to help call in the cardinal points and to create a circle. Fire ceremonies are really epic on full moon, so if this option is available, I strongly encourage it! Open the space with a song, chant and or dance. The energy is really high here, so find a synchronized movement for everyone to do such as circling around the space and chanting. Once everyone stops, call in the directions. For info on how to call in the directions, CLICK HERE. Say some words about the full moon, why its special, and explain the intention of the ceremony. Give everyone the chance to share intentions, cast spells, or share from their heart. Open up the space for giving gratitude as well. The last round everyone will have the chance to release what no longer serves them and throw it into the fire! Continue with another song (one that everyone can be involved with.) Do anything else that comes naturally, intuitively, and matches the energy thats already been created. Circle up and find a good way to close the space. When in doubt, om it out. You can never go wrong with a closing om.
There is an infinite way to celebrate this night. It can be simple and short, elaborate long and formal, or done in a large group as more of a celebration. I like to gather people up, start with a structured and formal ceremony that lasts about an hour, then leave it open for people to hang out, dance, sing and have a good time. The formal part of the ceremony will call in the energies, open up a powerful portal, and really set a sacred tone for the rest of the night and encourage deeper heart shares.
Find a safe, sacred space where you will not be disturbed. It is ideal to be outside, where you can be in the light of the moon. Start by making the sacred space by making an energetic circle. Use a crystal at the 4 corners to help call in the cardinal points and to create a circle. Fire ceremonies are really epic on full moon, so if this option is available, I strongly encourage it! Open the space with a song, chant and or dance. The energy is really high here, so find a synchronized movement for everyone to do such as circling around the space and chanting. Once everyone stops, call in the directions. For info on how to call in the directions, CLICK HERE. Say some words about the full moon, why its special, and explain the intention of the ceremony. Give everyone the chance to share intentions, cast spells, or share from their heart. Open up the space for giving gratitude as well. The last round everyone will have the chance to release what no longer serves them and throw it into the fire! Continue with another song (one that everyone can be involved with.) Do anything else that comes naturally, intuitively, and matches the energy thats already been created. Circle up and find a good way to close the space. When in doubt, om it out. You can never go wrong with a closing om.
Past Life Regression Ritual
This exercise is as powerful as you make it. It can give you images of faces of previous lifetimes you had. It can be very vague, or very detailed, and it is guaranteed to be profound experience! You may have to practice a couple times before faces actually appear, and even if they don´t it will still be a deep journey. This is one of the foundational occult rituals and can be found in many occult traditions.
To do this rite, you will need a moveable full-body mirror, a safe space to be alone (the quieter the better) and a candle.
PRACTICE: Find a pitch black (absolutely and completely dark) room. place a mirror up against the wall sitting on the floor. Light a candle and place it at the base of the mirror. sit in front of the mirror and candle in a comfy cross-legged position. stare directly into the reflection of your forehead. breathe deeply and continue to stare at your face until you begin to lose focus. Your face will begin to change shapes and morph into other beings. These beings may talk or give you messages. Do this for 10-20 minutes.
To do this rite, you will need a moveable full-body mirror, a safe space to be alone (the quieter the better) and a candle.
PRACTICE: Find a pitch black (absolutely and completely dark) room. place a mirror up against the wall sitting on the floor. Light a candle and place it at the base of the mirror. sit in front of the mirror and candle in a comfy cross-legged position. stare directly into the reflection of your forehead. breathe deeply and continue to stare at your face until you begin to lose focus. Your face will begin to change shapes and morph into other beings. These beings may talk or give you messages. Do this for 10-20 minutes.