Asana, or posture, consists of two parts. The physical position, and the breath. By stretching the body, it allows for the muscles to become loosened, creating more space. By then breathing into this open space, we can consciously allow the energy to flow more smoothly and freely throughout the entire being!
Asana was originally created as a way to allow the body to sit longer in meditation. It has now grown and evolved into modern day yoga. Asana and movement is now being uses as an exercise. It can build strength, balance, focus, burn carbs, increase blood flow, increase lung capacity, create more flexibility and relax the entire body. By incorporating Asana into your spiritual practice, you allow the experience to be holistic; body, mind, spirit. Continue reading this page to learn about types of postures and their benefits. More Info COMING SOON!
Asana was originally created as a way to allow the body to sit longer in meditation. It has now grown and evolved into modern day yoga. Asana and movement is now being uses as an exercise. It can build strength, balance, focus, burn carbs, increase blood flow, increase lung capacity, create more flexibility and relax the entire body. By incorporating Asana into your spiritual practice, you allow the experience to be holistic; body, mind, spirit. Continue reading this page to learn about types of postures and their benefits. More Info COMING SOON!
Asana Types:
There are 5 main types of physical posture in yoga. These include forward folds, back bends, twists, inversions, and balances. Each one has their own effects and benefits for the body and mind. I will list each type of asana, breifly explain it's benefits, and list a few poses thatfit into that category.
Forward Folds:
Forward folds are the simplest types of yoga poses, and can easily be the most relaxing. They are extremely beneficial to the body, as they help to lengthen the spine, loosen the hamstrings and bring more space into the upper body. They help to soothe the nervous system and stimulate the internal organs. They can also increase circulation! Depending on what kind of forward fold you do, they can also aid in opening the hips, which can release stress! Forward folds help to relax the body, ease the mind, and help with self-inquiry.
Many people are out of balance with their spines natural curve. This is caused by constant slouching, being at the computer or sitting down and bending over frequently. Backbends help to restore the nature curve in the spine! They can reduce anxiety and stress, releive chronic back pain, improve breathing, flush the kidneys and stretch the internal organs. They help to open the heart for new perspectives. They build strength, trust, courage and mobility. They help you to shine through and open to the limitless possibilities!!
Twists are like ringing out a wash cloth of dirty water, it helps to rinse out any toxins in the body! It completely detoxifies, and improves the body's digestion. Also helps the mind to digest life's situations. They can help maintain mobility in the spine, reduce stress and pain and create more space in the spine.
An Inversion is any posture with the heart above the head. This helps to reverse the blood flow, allowing blood to return to the heart, which allows it to gain more oxygen and increase circulation. They build confidence, improve balance, energize the entire body/mind, and help to (literally) gain a new perspective on life.
Balancing poses, are postures where one leg is lifted, or both legs are lifted and balancing on the arms. They significantly improve the coordination, which can be used in many practical applications. They help build strength and stability and overall harmony to one's life. They help to gain focus and clarity on and off the mat!